Drupal vs Joomla: A Comparison of Two Web Giants

March 11, 2022

When it comes to web development, choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) is crucial. The two most popular CMSs are Drupal and Joomla, and it can be a daunting task to choose between them. In this blog post, we will compare Drupal and Joomla in various categories to help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

Drupal is known for its steep learning curve. It is a powerful CMS that requires some technical skills, and beginners might find it challenging to use. In contrast, Joomla is relatively user-friendly and is easier to learn.

Winner: Joomla


Both Drupal and Joomla have a reputation for being secure. They follow industry-standard security practices and produce regular software updates. However, Drupal's security is considered to be more robust and reliable than Joomla's.

Winner: Drupal

Customization and Flexibility

Drupal was designed with developers in mind, and it provides a wide range of customization options. It has a strong community of developers that creates modules, themes, and plugins that extend its functionality. Joomla also offers development tools and extensions but falls short of Drupal's flexibility.

Winner: Drupal


Drupal is known for its fast and high-performing websites. On the other hand, Joomla's performance depends on the quality of the hosting platform and extensions used.

Winner: Drupal

Market Share

Joomla holds a market share of 3.0%, while Drupal has a market share of 1.7%. While Joomla is more popular, Drupal is the preferred option for high-scale enterprise applications.

Winner: Tie


Both CMS have open-source versions that are free to use. However, when it comes to premium versions with advanced features, Drupal can be costly.

Winner: Joomla

Community Support

Both Drupal and Joomla have active communities that provide support to users. However, Drupal's community is more extensive and has a reputation for being more helpful and responsive.

Winner: Drupal


In conclusion, both Drupal and Joomla are excellent CMS platforms with unique features to offer. Choosing between the two depends on your website's requirements and your technical skills. While Joomla is ideal for beginners and small businesses, Drupal should be your go-to CMS if you want a highly secure, scalable, and customizable website.


  1. Drupal vs. Joomla – Which One To Choose For Your Website (2021) by Collective Ray https://collectiveray.com/drupal-vs-joomla
  2. Joomla vs Drupal: Which CMS Wins the Battle? (2021) by Hosting Tribunal https://hostingtribunal.com/blog/joomla-vs-drupal/
  3. Drupal vs Joomla: A 2021 Comparison (2021) by Shambhu Kumar Jha https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/drupal-vs-joomla-comparison

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